
Levi, 2019
  • Год производства: 2019
  • Премьера в мире: 13 января 2019
  • В главных ролях: Бенжамин Джозеф
  • Время: 1 ч 33 мин
  • Слоган: «Levi has loved Somi since they were children; him being classes ahead of her. He went on to chase his dreams, became very successful. He's carried with work and would love to get more work done before settling down but a crisis happens. Levi has symptoms of a medical condition that could be fatal. Fearing the worst, he makes a quick decision to find and marry his childhood crush, Somi and then make a family before he dies. However, Somi is already married and this might be Levi's first failure as he's never failed at anything»
  • Страна: Нигерия
  • Жанр:

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